Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ghosts: The Battle of Night & Day

Are you afraid of the dark or are you afraid of the light? I can ask that in another way, are you afraid of the day or the night? The reason I propose this question is because when you think of spooks, specters or ghosts you tend to think about the things that go bump in the night. The things that as a kid you swore lived under your bed or in your closet as you lay in bed, at night, trying to sleep while hearing creeks and groans from the house or mysterious shadows cast upon on the wall by the dim light of the moon. We tend to think about how the night is shrouded in mystery and full of evil and danger.

I have been ghost hunting for a number of years and I always asked myself the same question over and over again. I now present that question to you, why do ghosts only come out at night? I say they don’t, I say they come out at night, during the day, at dusk and even at dawn. They don’t discriminate when they come out to play, they come out when they want to. They aren’t on some type of spectral time clock that only allows them to be out between the hours of Midnight and 3AM. They talk about the witching hour and that is the time when true dark magic or ghosts come out, but why?

Many ghost groups do what they call going dark, which is when they turn off all the lights in a supposed haunted location they are investigating and then begin to hunt ghosts. You can see this technique on the TV all the time. All the paranormal shows are done “in the dark”, granted this makes for much more suspenseful television, but why does it matter, I say it doesn’t.

There are so many stories in the world about ghosts and goblins being able to be seen in the day that it just doesn’t make sense that you would only do ghost hunting at night or in the dark. Some people say you can see manifestations of spirits easier at night or you can see other possible paranormal phenomena take place in the dark as well. Yet as you watch all these shows they go back to review their recordings and see the stuff they couldn’t see because they were in complete darkness. How do they know that this stuff wouldn’t happen with the lights on? How do they know they couldn’t get EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) during the day? They don’t because for far too long the standard is that only scary things can happen in the dark and at night.

I tried some of my own experiments based upon these crazy wacky ideas of mine. I conducted some EVP experiments at certain times, 10am 12 pm & 4:37pm, and you know what, I got some EVPs or things that some ghost groups would consider to be EVPS. Now whether or not they are EVPs from disembodied voices is another debate in itself to be covered at a later date.

People have been experiencing visions and sounds during the day they consider to be paranormal for years. There are no set rules in the world of the paranormal and you can’t force a ghost to come out when you want them to. Let’s say you believe in ghosts and you decided to go to a supposed haunted location. Now the hypothetical back story to this haunted location is that a woman had killed both her father and mother with an axe, while the reasons are unsure they were murder in a very violent and bloody act. Now you investigate this house at night and really investigate hard during the hours of midnight to 3AM knowing something horrible had happened in that house. You complete the investigation and go through the hours of evidence only to find nothing, no EVPs EMFs or video evidence. Well in fact this story is based on an actual story, the house and story I am talking about is Lizzy Borden and the gruesome murders happened during the day when it was bright and sunny out. Now the theory of ghosts is that they can either replay that horrible moment when their life was taken away or that the house has a ghostly presence. Now why wouldn’t you have conducted the investigation during the day when the violent event happened? It’s because ghosts are considered to be spooky and scary and that they can only come out at night in the dark.

I ask you to take a look at the logic presented before you and if you would like to make a counter point against my logic then you are welcome to. However weigh out all that has been presented and then watch all those paranormal shows on TV and you tell me when they last did an investigation during the day.

Be safe,

John Cannon

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